Do Ultrasonic Pest Devices Really Work to Keep Mosquitoes Away?

Nobody likes mosquitoes buzzing around them. These little, blood-sucking parasites may keep you awake at night and leave you with a minor itch. It’s considerably worse if you’re visiting a tropical place.

Mosquitoes like warmer areas, which is why you’ll see them more in the summer. These insects can spread west Nile virus, malaria and other mosquito-borne infections, which some may be very serious if not treated. So, how can you keep mosquitoes out of your camping area? or Do Ultrasonic Pest Devices Really Work?

What Are Ultrasonic Devices?

Let’s look at the science behind these devices to see whether they function. Ultrasonic mosquito repellents and ultrasonic repellent devices work in the same manner. Ultrasonic devices generate ultrasonic waves, which are high-frequency noises. Because ultrasonic noises are above our range of hearing, we cannot hear them.

Human ears can detect sound, but when it exceeds 20kHz, it becomes inaudible to humans. Perhaps our ears were designed this way to protect us from very loud noises. Just because humans can’t hear these noises doesn’t mean pests like mosquitos can’t. It is when things start to get interesting.

Animals may hear ultrasonic noises over 20kHz. These high-frequency noises are emitted by an ultrasonic mosquito repeller, which keeps mosquitos away from your camping area. They achieve this without using toxic chemicals and only need a power source to operate.

How Does An Ultrasonic Pest Repeller Work?

Simply put, they generate ultrasonic sound waves that humans cannot hear, but mosquitos can. Mosquitoes and other bugs dislike the sound and avoid it. That is, at least, the theory!

The noises they make are often attributed to their predators. Some manufacturers claim that their products can imitate ultrasonic signals generated by bats. Others claim to be able to mimic the sound of dragonfly wing beats.

Then some claim to emulate the sound of a male mosquito. A female has already mated, and since she only needs to mate once, she will escape the male.

However, male mosquitoes are drawn to the sound of a female in flight. Furthermore, it is believed that females responsible for biting have a low sensitivity to sound.

Do Ultrasonic Pest Devices Really Work to Keep Mosquitoes Away?

Do Ultrasonic Pest Devices Really Work

The thought of an ultrasonic pest Repeller appeals to many campers. It is safe for children and dogs and promises to perform the job. Ultrasonic devices have been around for a long time. In 1974, a scientific assessment of an ultrasonic repellant was published.

Since 1985, the FTC has investigated and issued warnings to many producers of ultrasonic equipment. The rationale for the warnings is that the producers make claims without solid scientific proof.

There have been successful convictions of ultrasound vendors. Still, it seems this has had little impact on discouraging manufacturers from developing new versions or the public from purchasing them.

Finally, if people cease utilizing other forms of protection, they risk contracting one of the numerous illnesses spread by mosquitoes. There was no indication of any repelling impact of the ultrasonic devices in the experiments. As a result, they should not be marketed or utilized. Other experiments have demonstrated that ultrasonic repellers are ineffective, even over a broad frequency range.

Electronic insect repellents may increase bite frequency. The research used Aedes aegypti mosquitos and discovered that bite rates rose by 20% to 50% when the repellers were activated. The sound frequencies utilized varied from 9.6 and 18.2 kHz. According to the American Mosquito Association, these gadgets do not function.

Nonetheless, one study reveals that frequency ranges of 38-44 kHz might be utilized efficiently to repel mosquitos and flies. When you read the paper, you will see no mention of mosquito experiments. The study is about the electrical gadget, not its ostensibly repelling properties, a Doctor from the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering wrote in the paper!

To prevent the continued promotion of useless medications as “Zika-Preventive,” the New York Attorney General issued cease and desist letters in August 2016. Two of the items were ultrasonography devices. According to the press release, “many scientific investigations have demonstrated that ultrasonic devices do not repel, and could even attract, mosquitoes.”

What Should I Use To Repel Mosquitoes?

Most pest management procedures are designed to eliminate the issue of bugs. However, mosquito control strategies vary significantly. They are not interested in destroying mosquitos but in keeping them away from you.

Aside from ultrasonic pest repellents, there are various alternative repellents you may utilize. These anti-mosquito methods have been tried and tested throughout time, and you may choose any of them. Before we get into pest control techniques, remember that most of them are based on a mosquito’s sense of smell.

Mosquitoes, as previously said, are sensitive to odors. Any strong smell would certainly keep them at a distance.

Do Ultrasonic Pest Repellers Work for Mosquitoes1


Mosquitoes despise anything that resembles mints, such as peppermint. You may make a mosquito repellent spray by combining a few drops of peppermint oil and water.

You may also ground peppermint leaves and sprinkle the powder in mosquito-infested regions. Peppermint may also be used to treat insect bites. Apply peppermint oil or crushed peppermint leaves to the afflicted region.


Citronella is quite popular, particularly when it comes to mosquito repellent. In addition to providing a pleasant aroma, Citronella candles may be used to repel insects. The disadvantage of citronella is that it does not last long. It is only effective as a temporary mosquito repellent.

Mosquito Nets:

Mosquito nets are incredibly good at keeping mosquitos away from you while you sleep. They may be treated with insecticides or left untreated. If mosquitoes are recognized disease carriers in your region, a treated net is the preferable option.

Commercial Mosquito Repellent:

There are several commercial mosquito repellents available nowadays. One prominent type includes DEET (N, N-Diethyl-meta-toluamide). It is typically yellowish and is found in several repellents. While buying repellents containing DEET is recommended, you must exercise caution since they may still hurt you.

As a general rule, do not use them on toddlers. If you must use them on older children, ensure it does not get into their hands. It is because they may experiment with and eat it, and it should not be applied to wounds or allergic locations. Also, avoid using such repellents on your face. You may apply them to your headgear or softly dab them on your face with your hands.


If you’re uncomfortable putting anything on your body, you might try insecticides. Pyrethrin pesticides are the most effective against mosquitos since they kill them instantly.

Before spraying pesticides, close all doors and windows of your tent. Then, ask everyone to leave the camping site while you spray pesticide on it. Stay away from the site for a while.

You will destroy both mosquitoes and other insects that are bothering your cherished camping area in this manner. You and your loved ones may return to the site after a few hours.

How To Avoid A Mosquito Bite?

It is critical to avoid mosquito bites. They may be a big turnoff. To begin, if you see a little reddish area on your skin that you assume is a mosquito bite, do not scratch it. These bites often show as a welt and will heal on their own in a day or two. Scratching them may result in open sores that may get infected by anything.

Do Ultrasonic Pest Repellers Work for Mosquitoes2

Mosquito bites may be avoided by:

Wearing Long Clothing:

Ensure you don’t show too much skin if you must be outdoors for a while. It does not imply that you should wear a hazmat suit, but rather that you should wear appropriate long-sleeved shirts and pants.

Remove Stagnant Water:

Mosquitoes thrive in stagnant water. Dispose of stale water in containers around your camping site or birdbaths immediately. Remove any junk that may hold water, such as old tires and abandoned plant pots.

Don’t Come Out At Night:

If you don’t want to get bitten by mosquitoes, remain indoors after the sun goes down. Mosquitoes are less active in the late mornings and afternoons, so you may spend time outside during these hours.

Get A Bug Tent:

Going camping or on an outdoor vacation? Purchase a bug tent. These tents are carefully designed to keep mosquitoes and other pests away from you. Make it a point to examine your tent for splits or holes.

Additional Resources

If you are looking for more tutorials, walkthroughs and troubleshooting about camping and enjoying the outdoors, here are some additional posts to check out:


Ultrasonic pest repellers are promoted as a replacement for mosquito control techniques such as coils. However, researchers think they are useless. Use the preventative steps outlined in this article to keep those pesky insects out of your camping site.

Remember that removing mosquitoes without doing anything meaningful to avoid them is pointless. If you cannot manage the mosquito population in your camping area, you should contact a pest control professional. He can deal with mosquitoes without causing any damage or stress. Thanks for reading, If you think I forgot something or if you simply want to share a story or some advice, feel free to leave your comment below. Be Safe and Happy Adventure.!

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