Bear Proof Containers For Camping-Your Best Protection

When you’re out camping in bear country, bear proof containers for camping are a must for keeping bears away from your food supplies and rubbish. Given my personal experience with a bear taking my food, I can say that bear proof containers are the only way to keep your munchies safe from a hungry bear in the wild while camping.

Well, I had a couple of scary experiences with bears in my life, both grizzly, and living in the Rockies gave me the chance to learn a lot about bears. I used this knowledge to write this article which will help you in determining good and effective ways to keep bears away. I am referring to bear proof containers which will protect your food, and yourself from those hungry bears! So, let’s get started.

Firstly, who needs Bear Proof Containers For Camping?

In several national and state parks, bear proof containers are mandatory. They will almost certainly require a bear proof container in these places, and it would be a good idea to have a bear proof storage if you are going to be in bear habitat for any length of time. Bear proof containers and canisters should be kept on hand by hunters, campers, and trekkers in case they find themselves in bear territory during their excursions.

People who own vacation houses and cabins in bear infested land should also keep bear proof containers on hand, especially if they have trash to dispose of on their property. If you suspect bear activity in your area, a trail camera can assist you in determining whether bears are present on your property. It’s possible that you’ll need to invest in a good set of binoculars to scan them clearly from a distance during the day as well. 

What Features should you Consider in a Bear Proof Container?

Bear Proof Containers For Camping

When shopping for a bear proof container, there are several things that should be considered.

a.) Situation: Considering hiking, camping, or hunting? Or perhaps you’re searching for a bear resistant storage container for your property? The type of bear proof container or box you should purchase will be determined by the purpose and situation you are or will be in.

b.) Size: In any given case, the size of your bear proof container will undoubtedly be an important factor to take into consideration. Whatever is food related, such as various scented basics like toothpaste, body cream, and pet food, should be stored within your bear proof container once you retire for the evening. Will everyone provide their own bear-proof container, or would you prefer a larger container for the entire group?

c.) Storage place: On a campsite, you can store your food in two ways: on the ground or hung from a tree, depending on your preference. In the FAQ, we’ll go over these strategies in more details. If you want to hang your food, it would be much easier to do so with a soft/flexible container than it would be with a rigid container, for obvious reasons.

Alternatively, if you choose to store your food on the ground, a hard container will be more resistant to a competing bear, and it will be significantly more difficult for the bear to open it!

d.) Material Strength: Any bear proof container must have the strength and durability to withstand the sheer power of the bear! No manufacturer makes the promise that their container is totally bear proof. There is a wide range of resistance in each of them. A great container will be one that keeps the smell of the food locked inside with an anti-odour technology.

e.) Locks and Latches: Different types of locks and latches have different functions. To begin with, a bear proof container must provide a significant challenge to the bear, and bears are sometimes far more intelligent than they appear. Even though twist-lock lids and recessed latches can be difficult for bears to open, they will likely outgrow these small tusks given enough time to do so.

For bear proof long-term storage, you’ll need a container with incredibly secure locks, such as screw-on deadbolts and padlocks if you plan to leave your belongings at camp while you go on an excursion.

For Info on Bear Spray: Click Here!

What makes a Container Bear Proof?

There are two primary components that contribute to a bear resistant container. To begin with, the substance must be strong and durable enough to endure the force and weight of a grizzly. Bear chews, sits, throws, and claws at a container with scented snacks inside, all in the name of fun. Containers designed to keep bears out must be able to survive these conditions for a lengthy period.

Second, a bear safe container must have a secure latch or latch mechanism that bears will not be able to easily locate and exploit. Bearing in mind that bears are typically extremely intelligent, the container must be secured with padlocks, screw lids, deadbolts, and other protected locking techniques that the bear will not be able to defeat.

Ideally, where should you Keep your Bear Container?


A minimum of 100 feet should be maintained between bear containers and the sleeping area, with the containers being positioned in a location where they will not be easily pumped downhill or into the water. The best course of action when a bear is drawn to a bear container is to keep it as far away from your main camp as possible. As a result, if your container is abandoned on a mountain or near a creek, the bear will do everything in his power to break into it, and thus by being further you will be safe!

If you have a friend, you should always use a bear box that is attached or fixed to the ground. These are typically found in state or national park campgrounds where there has been a lot of bear activity in the past. Your food will be extremely safe in a bear box that has been specifically designed for it.

Another option is to hang your food to make out of reach for a bear. This must be done at least 100 feet away from the tent. If you prefer to hang your food, smell-proof bags are an excellent option to use because they will help keep rodents and other pests away from your food.

Some FAQs About Bears and Food!

1. What Foods do Bears Like?

Don’t stuff your bags with strong-smelling foods like bacon or fish. Raw or cooked, bears will be drawn to them. Always remember to never, ever bring food into your tent. What draws bears to campsites?

  • Food for humans or pets.
  • Garbage.
  • Cooking pans and utensils.
  • Cooking oil.
  • Fuel for the stove and lamp.
  • Cans of beverages.
  • Cosmetics and lotions.
  • Repellent.

2. Can I bring food into my tent while camping in bear country?

No, it is strongly recommended not to bring any food or scented items inside your tent. Bears have a keen sense of smell and can be attracted to the scent of food, potentially causing dangerous situations.

3. How should I store my food to prevent bears from accessing it?

When camping in bear country, it is important to store your food properly. The best option is to use bear-resistant containers or bear bags hung high in a tree, away from your campsite. This helps to minimize the chances of bears being attracted to your food.

4. What types of food should I avoid bringing to a bear-prone camping area?

It is advisable to avoid bringing strong-smelling or aromatic food items, such as raw meat, fish, or highly processed foods. These can attract bears and increase the risk of encounters. Opt for less fragrant options and try to pack your meals in sealed containers.

5. Is it safe to cook food at my campsite in bear country?

While it is generally safe to cook food at your campsite, it is essential to be cautious. Cook away from your sleeping area, preferably using a designated cooking area if available. Ensure that all cooking equipment and utensils are cleaned thoroughly to eliminate food odors that may attract bears.

6. What should I do if I encounter a bear while camping?

If you encounter a bear while camping, it is important to remain calm and avoid any sudden movements. Back away slowly without turning your back on the bear. Do not run or climb trees, as bears can outrun and outclimb humans. Make yourself look bigger by raising your arms and speaking in a calm, assertive voice. If the bear charges, use bear spray if you have it and continue to back away slowly.

For Info on Bear Spray: Click Here!

Additional Resources

If you are looking for more tutorials, walkthroughs and troubleshooting about camping and enjoying the outdoors, here are some additional posts to check out:


So, we hope that you found this article on “bear proof containers” informative. Now you have the perfect guide to get yourself the best bear proof container for camping. If you have more additional info regarding this topic, do let me know in the comments below. I listed below some of the best and most popular bear proof containers. Simply choose the best model according to your needs. Be Safe, and Happy Camping.!